Club Hub

Ferriday Lower Elementary

Club Hub



Sponsors: Alexius Coley and Paige Pirkey

The Ferriday High School 4-H Club is sponsored by the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. The four leaf clover is the symbol of the club.  The four H (s) stand for head, heart, hands and health.  Members enroll in projects each year and participate in various activities and contests throughout the year.  4-H Achievement Day is held in the spring of each school year. All members who have participated in at least two activities during the year are eligible to attend.

4-H Pledge

I pledge
My head to clearer thinking
My heart to greater loyalty
My hands to larger service and
My health to better living
For my club, my community, my country, and my world.


Beta Club

Sponsor: Iyna Barnes

As the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America, Beta is dedicated to leading by serving others. Our four pillars are the perfect summation of the core of Beta. The Beta community recognizes high academic achievement, rewards and nurtures worthy character, fosters leadership skills, and encourages service to others.

Being a Beta means being a part of a community of leaders who are positively impacting the world.



Advisor: Ms. Coley

2023-2024 Yearbook will be available for purchase in April 2024! Students can customize two free pages! Price subject to change based on number of pages. To purchase an ad, contact Ms. Coley

Purchase a 2022-2023 Yearbook

Student Council

Congratulations to Ferriday High School's 2023-2024 Student Council Members 

9th Grade

  • President - Zakaria Pryor

  • Vice President - Envee Pryor

  • Secretary - Za'Myria White

10th Grade

  • President - Naziah Greaten

  • Vice President - Alyssa Silverio

  • Secretary - Tu'Mara Gill

11th Grade 

  • President - Sher'Lexis HArris

  • Vice President - Z'Myia Carter

  • Secretary - Jakalin Smith

12th Grade 

  • President - Kaliya Morton

  • Vice President - Emily Cash 

  • Secretary - Faith Cook

co op

General Cooperative Education

Sponsor : Bobbie Woods

Cooperative education (or co-operative education) is a structured method of combining classroom-based education with practical work experience.

A cooperative education experience, commonly known as a "co-op" or work-study program, provides academic credit for structured work experiences, helping young people in school-to-work transition.

marching band

Marching Band

Nathaniel Hood - Music Appreciation, Advanced Band, Band Director