1 single - Backpack
2 single - Composition Notebooks
2 packs - Loose-leaf Paper
1 pack - #2 Pencils (48 Count) (Wooden only)
2 packs - Colored Pencils (48 count)
2 packs - Erasers
1 pack - Expo (Dry-erase) Markers
2 packs - Glue Sticks
2 rolls - Paper Towels
3 boxes - Tissue (Kleenex)
1 box - Ziploc Bags (Gallon-size) (Boys)
1 box - Ziploc Bags (Quart-size) (Girls)
1 pair - Headphones (No earbuds)

Vidalia Upper Elementary
Supply List
3rd Grade
Supply List
3rd Grade Parents/Guardians
In order for your child to have a successful year, they must know their addition/subtraction facts before school begins.
Your child will be required to know all multiplication facts by January.
Please encourage all students to participate in the summer reading program at the Concordia Parish Library. If other supplies are needed you will be contacted by your child's teacher.
4th Grade
Supply List
1 single - Backpack
2 single – 1-inch Binder
English & Language Arts
Social Studies
3 single - 1-Subject Notebook
2 packs - Loose-leaf Paper (Wide-ruled)
1 single – Pencil Pouch (for Binder)
1 pack - #2 Pencils (48 count) (Wooden only)
1 box - Crayons (48 count)
1 pack - Sticky Notes
1 pack - Erasers
1 pack - Highlighters
1 pack - Expo (Dry-erase) Markers (Black)
2 rolls - Paper Towels
3 boxes - Tissue (Kleenex)
1 bottle - Hand Sanitizer (8oz)
1 box - Ziploc Bags (Gallon-size) (Girls)
1 box - Ziploc Bags (Quart-size) (Boys)
1 pair - Headphones (No earbuds)
2 pair - Earbuds (to be kept at school)
5th Grade
Supply List
1 single - Zipper Binder or Trapper Keeper (No Backpacks)
1 single – 1-inch Binder
English & Language Arts
1 single - 1-inch Heavy-duty Binder with pockets
1 single - 1-Subject Notebook
4 single - Multi-color folders with prongs
1 pack - Binder Dividers
3 packs - Loose-leaf Paper
1 single – Pencil Pouch (for Binder)
1 pack - #2 Pencils (48 count) (Wooden only)
1 pack - Index Cards (3x5)
1 pack - Highlighters (Multi-color 4-pack)
1 pack - Expo (Dry-erase) Markers (Black)
2 rolls - Paper Towels
2 boxes - Tissue (Kleenex)
1 bottle - Hand Sanitizer (8oz)
1 pair - Headphones (No earbuds)
Activity Fee
(paid annually)
Headphones/earbuds are required, but ONLY for Chromebook usage. Replacements may be necessary throughout the year.
Any water bottles brought to school MUST be a clear, plastic water bottle. The student's name MUST be present on it.
ALL students are required to pay an annual activity fee. This helps fund campus amenities for your child/student.
Your child/student may need additional supplies through the year.
Please make sure to gather the supplies and their specifications (count, color, etc.) before the beginning of school.
If you have any questions, reach out to us! We are happy to help!